I used to believe

that money ONLY came from

hard work, sacrifice, and struggle

If you believe that too, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way

Hey! I’m Delyanne.

I'm a nationally-recognized money expert, podcast host, and millionaire Latina.

The first thing you should know about me is that I went through my own financial transformation. Not so long ago, I was paying my student loan minimums, hoarding cash in a savings account, and barely investing in my 401k. I somehow thought this would be enough to build wealth and wondered why my net worth hardly budged. 

I bought into the idea that real estate was the only way to build wealth and tried to buy property several times in a saturated and competitive NYC market. After three tries and being outbid each time, I gave up. But I knew there had to be another way. 

I was also miserable working as an attorney. I had put myself through college and law school, racked up over six-figures of debt, landed my dream job, and hated every second of it. I was overworked, uninspired, and stressed all the time. 

I had to find a way to break free otherwise I was going to be living a life I hated for decades to come. 

That’s when I discovered the stock market and the ability to invest towards financial independence. I vaguely understood investing because I had a 401k, but I thought that was something you did for your 60’s and beyond. I never even imagined that investing was a path to early retirement. 

At 37 years old I realized that long-term investing was indeed a path to freedom. This is when everything changed for me. I made a plan to pay off my student loans, invest more money into my 401k, and I opened a brokerage account with the money I was saving for real estate. If I could stay consistent with my investing goals, I could retire by the time I was 45! 

My only regret is that I didn’t start sooner! If I could go back in time and tell my 25-year-old self to open that 401k and start investing, I would. Thankfully, it’s never too late!

Today, I have enough invested to reach my financial freedom goal by 45 and possibly sooner. I have quit my job as an attorney, moved to Portugal, and retired my mom!

as seen in

Fear will never be the foundation upon which you build wealth

now a little more

about my history

I am a Brazilian-born US Citizen. I speak Portuguese and Spanish. I grew up in Miami. I moved to NYC in 2005 and graduated from Pace Law School where I graduated with over six-figures in student loan debt. 

I secured a job at the top employment law firm in the country representing employees in severance and settlement negotiations, discrimination, and wage & hour cases. Sounds fancy, right? I started at $85,000 a year (before taxes) and struggled to keep up with the NYC lifestyle while balancing my student loans. 

Five years ago I decided to shift careers and became an employment law editor where I received a substantial raise in pay which accelerated my Financial Independence journey.

Three months before the pandemic, I launched Delyanne the Money Coach® LLC.

I wanted to share what I had learned about investing with everyone, especially other Latinos. So many of us are left out of this conversation and are taught to fear investing. Instead we are told to work hard and buy property. That’s the only way to become financially stable. I wanted to change this narrative and show people that there’s another way.

And thankfully I found a great community ready to learn and join this journey.  In March 2021, I quit my job as an attorney to run Delyanne the Money Coach® LLC full time.  

I’m proud to say that this is now a seven-figure business and over 7,500 students have enrolled in my Slay the Stock Market® course! I am so proud to be a part of this community and to be a leader in the finance space.

My goal is to inspire and teach as many people as I can about the power of investing and its ability to help us reclaim our most precious resource, our time.

Money may not buy you happiness,
but it buys you the freedom to pursue happiness

Are you ready to start your journey to financial freedom?

Join me at Invest for Independence® with all of your investing questions!

Even if You’re a Beginner and in Debt. I’m teaching this FREE class so you can finally understand why investing is the most powerful and passive way to build wealth even if you’re scared and overwhelmed by investing.

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Tuesday, February 18, 5:30 pm PST

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